Thursday, April 12, 2012

Home again

The big girls are on Spring Break this week and we have just returned from a short jaunt to the grandparents for Easter. I'm happy to report I have no vomit stories like Lauren, I do have an Old Dog poop in the car story but...I'm feeling magnanimous today. Lets just say it took us three tries to actually get on the road last Saturday.

Easter was low-key, which was fine with me. For the first time in the history of FOREVER the 'Easter Bunny' behaved and brought baskets of appropriate size and volume. The kids of course were all like 'Whuck?!?! Not to be understanding'. We told them it's a down economy and that affects everyone, even the Easter Bunny. I don't think they cared. There were scones (orange-cranberry, more on this in a minute), and Fancy Ham, and Mom and I didn't get out of our pajamas. So basically-best. holiday. EVER.

I hauled Paris down with me, but alas it was never touched. I did some biscornu work, but that was about it, other than the three puzzles we completed and the book I started and finished. So, important work was done, don't worry.

Now, onto the tasty stuff.

SCONES! I love scones. 1. Because they are delicious. Duh  and 2. Because they are baked goods that I can actually make. Dough is my kryptonite. Scones do not involve using a rolling pin, or rising, or anything remotely technical so I can rock them. Hard.

 Scone recipe

Seriously easy and everyone loves them.


Go forth and make scones!



  1. Took you long enough, you big tease! But I always love a good baked-good story/recipe/picture. On a recent foray to Houston, we went to the Gucci grocery store and returned with several jars of clotted cream (such a terrible name to describe a gifts from the gods themselves), so I need to make some scones too...

    1. I have a clotted cream recipe.....mwahahahahaaaa...

  2. I am hereby canceling ALL holidays until Paris is finished -- Ha-ha-ha-ha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Giggling at your posts AGAIN!!! Thanks for the recipe, I'm gonna try it out! I was LMAO with the catching the barf, I've SO done that too! ;)

    1. Glad to know I'm not alone in this. Barf catchers, unite! :)


    2. Oh, and definitely give the scones a try. I have tasted Nikki's. And by taste I mean I ate four in fifteen minutes!
